Leopold Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS7 4AW

0113 8246300


Holy Rosary And St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Excellence & Enjoyment Together in God's Love

Remote Learning


At Holy Rosary and St Anne's catholic Primary, we intend to take what we have learnt about Remote Provision and use it to develop a new, blended approach to learning: quality first classroom learning with remote/home learning, to increase the rate at which we close the gaps in knowledge and skills. 

 In Key Stage 2, the activities will be uploaded daily to Google Classroom, for children to access at home. These will focus on the core subjects: Reading, Writing and Maths. In Key Stage 1, short, paper-based consolidation activities linked to Reading, Writing, Maths and Phonics will be sent home daily.  

We really value the way in which parents/carers have supported their children's learning during lockdown and would like to continue to work with you, to maximise the progress the children make, between now and the end of the year.  

 HRSA Remote Provision Plan.pdfDownload
 HRSA Remote Provision Model.pdfDownload
 Remote Provision Monitoring and Evaluation.pdfDownload
 Quality First Feedback - Remote Learning.pdfDownload
 Home School Agreement Computer and Internet Safety Jan 2021 HRSA.pdfDownload
 Guide to Google Meet.pdfDownload
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